Monday, November 22, 2010

my inner child

I'm not sure if it's just because I'm especially amused at anything non-exam/study related or if I'm forever destined to stay a child but I can't stop watching this video.


Sunday, November 21, 2010

rollin' with the homies

Perhaps I should consider adding "be more patient" to 2011's new year's resolutions. Above is my future bike (from Melbourne, Australia's Papillionaire) and the wait is killing me. The phrase "if I had my bike..." is embedded in my head i.e. If i had my bike... i'd be home by now/i'd be a lot fitter/I wouldn't need to wait in traffic/I could save money (??).

The bikes start from AU$499 and come in Maya (baby blue and the one I chose), Boston (cherry red), black and cream (self explanatory I hope) and are currently on backorder.

eye candy

I only just discovered British label Janz & Cooper and instantly fell in love. The brand has only 3 styles but they all come in many stunning frame and lens colours. 

Hands down favourites are the Oh Nicos in Dark Tortoiseshell and Black and This Is Not A Mountain in brown/transparent clear. I'm having a bit of an obsession with cat eye and lucite glasses. There's always something so sexy about all things feline.

I bought the Alexander Wang x Linda Farrow sunglasses earlier this year but found that I needed a more everyday pair.

Perhaps I should consider?

Charles Anastase

I'm a bit late posting these but I think I'm excused due to my newbie status.

Charles Anastase Spring 2011

Amazing shoes once again by Charles Anastase. He never fails to make potential ankle snapping lustful (the dungeon boots are another favourite of mine). If you want to get these, you can't. Sorry! Opening Ceremony have stopped the pre-orders on these babes on November 1st. Better luck on eBay.

the dungeon boots

I told you about the ankle snapping

hobby renaissance

So my 3 month long summer holidays are about to start and of course instead of studying for my last exam, I'm planning activities and high up on my list is to have more hobbies.

There was a period of around 2 months where I had my camera with me everywhere, taking pictures of anything that caught my eye. What happened to that hobby... I don't really know but hey, never too late to stage a comeback.

Not to toot my own horn but I thought I was pretty good at it for someone not terribly skilled at things arty or for someone who doesn't have 20/20 vision (although that could be my problem here... maybe I am really crap but just can't see).

another day, another purchase

I bought this convertible velvet backpack from ASOS just then. I decided I desperately needed another backpack because they look good but mainly cos they allow for multitasking (and dorky running). ASOS is doing free standard shipping until, I'm guessing, just before Christmas so get on it people especially those who live in Australia... save yourself that extra 15 pounds or however much.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

too excited

I honestly can't wait to get my hair done (couldn't even wait til the next morning to post). It's been over 2 years since I went to the hairdressers and my poor mane has gone through hell especially the fire ordeal on Halloween... 'nuff said.

Yeap, so I pretty much got sucked into the whole ombre hair dye trend. Looks a whole lot easier, maintenance-wise, compared to a fringe, which I've sported every time I get a cut. I'm not too sure how well asian hair responds to bleach. I'm scared it'll turn out to have yellowy orange hues but from what I've heard about the "amazing hair lady on Norton St", I'm sure i'll be in safe hands.

A new blog, a new form of procrastination

Well hi there! I do realise I'm currently talking to only myself because I: 

1. have no idea how to use Blogger
2. don't have many friends... who own a blog
3. it's close to the devil's hour (exaggeration... it's only 1:30am)

I've always been a fan of blogs. Maybe it's some easy perverted way to live vicariously through famous/better looking/rich fashionistas or perhaps it's the inspiration I get from seeing their take on style... who knows.

Anyway my mind has completely gone blank because I'm still in exam period so I guess it's bail times for now. Blog has officially been launched *cue surge of followers*.
